7:24 pm

Steve Katlin Gets There

2019 Bar Poker Open National Championship Level 10: 1,500/3,000/3,000 Players Remaining: 198 of 499 On a flop reading 6d 4h 3h Steve Katlin of No Limit Pub Poker bets 11,000. His opponent shoves for 49,500 and Katlin calls. His opponent tables 4d 4c for a set of fours and Katlin needs to get lucky with […]


6:55 pm

Registration Closed

2019 Bar Poker Open National Championship Level 9: 1,000/2,500/2,500 Day 1B Entries: 499 Registration is closed with unofficially 499 entrants today bringing the unofficial total to 1,984. The prizepool and official numbers will be posted as soon as the tournament staff releases them.


6:19 pm

James Jett is Chipping Up

2019 Bar Poker Open National Championship Level 8: 1,000/2,000/2,000 Day 1B Entries: 480 James Jett of Deepstacks opens to 10,000 and his opponent three-bet to 37,000. Jett jammed and his opponent called all in. Jett was in great shape as he tabled pocket kings against his opponent’s ace queen. The board ran out clean for […]


5:46 pm

Last Chance

2019 Bar Poker Open National Championship Level 8: 1,000/2,000/2,000 Day 1B Entries: 480 This is the last chance to enter into the 2019 Bar Poker Open National Championship as registration closes at the end of this level.