10:41 pm

Myra Huffman Takes a Bad Beat

2018 Bar Poker Open National Championship Level 15: 4,000/8,000 with a 500 ante Day 1B Entries: 371 Total Entries: 828 Players Remaining: 70 James Vandermeer, of Pikes Peak Poker moves all in for his last 14,000 from late position. Tom Settle, from KOntenders North Carolina, reshoves for around 100,000 and Myra Huffman, of Atlantic calls having them […]


7:31 pm

Mitch Augarten Scores the Double Knock Out

2018 Bar Poker Open National Championship Level 10: 1,500/3,000 with a 500 ante Day 1B Entries: 372 Total Entries: 829 Players Remaining: 170 Three players are all in on the Qs, Js, 10h flop. Mitch Augarten, of Riverchasers, has the best of it as he flopped the joint with King Nine. Augarten is in great shape […]