10:25 pm

BPO Championship: Mark Yurga Eliminated In 6th Place ($4,045)

Thomas McDonald raises to 320,000 and Mark Yurga calls from the big blind. They go heads up to the J♥5♦8♠ flop and Yurga checks. McDonald slides out a bet of 900,000 and Yurga quickly check raises all in for 1,800,000. McDonald calls just as fast and the hands are shown. Yurga: J♣2♠ McDonald: Q♥J♠ The […]


5:27 pm

BPO Championship: Mike Thompson Eliminated In 9th Place ($1,948)

Joe Ginzer was eliminated in 10th place taking home $1,568 for his efforts. We were then down to our unofficial final table of ten. Phil Willmeth raised to 250,000 from early postion and Mike Thompson moved all in for 425,000. It folded back to Willmeth who made the call turning over his A♣Q♦. Thompson showed […]