12:14 pm

National Championship Day 1B: Claire Whitton Stays in the Game

2017 Bar Poker Open National Championship
Level 3: 100/200
Day 1B Entries: 263
Total Entries: 815

Claire Whitton (Suit Up Poker League)

Claire Whitton (Suit Up Poker League)

For a few seconds, Claire Whitton thought her day in the National Championship was done. The Suit Up Poker League player moved all in with her short stack after the A♥ 5♠ 4♥ flop and two other players in the pot. One player called, one player released, and Whitton was ahead for the moment.

“I think I have 15 outs,” her opponent said.

Whitton tabled top two pair A♠ 5♣ but her opponent had the big draws, flush and open-ended straight outs, with 7♥ 6♥. He didn’t wait long to hit and the J♥ turn improved him to a flush leaving Whitton with four outs to stay alive. There were two aces and two fives in the deck that could save her tournament and she was already out of her seat ready to exit when the dealer put the 5♦ on the river. Whitton’s boat beat the flush and she more than doubled up, though her 11,800 could still use a boost.

0 Comments June 13, 2017
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