11:16 pm

Million Chip Pot

2019 Bar Poker Open National Championship
Level 16: 6,000/12,000 with a 12,000 Big Blind Ante
Players Remaining: 72 of 529

Rafael Jiminez

Rafael Jiminez

On a board reading 10s 7c 2s 7h Rafael Jimenez of Texas Poker Tour was all in for around 500,000 and called by Down to the Felt’s Frank Zaitz.

It was a cooler situation as Zaitz tabled pocket queens against Jimenez’s pocket jacks. The river was a brick and Zaitz scooped the pot worth over a million chips.


1 Comments June 10, 2019
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  • Way to go Frank, representing Down To The Felt like a champ! Take it down!
