9:34 pm

Day 1B: AJ Torelli Cracks Ace King to Move Over Half a Million

2021 Bar Poker Open National Championship
Level 14: 6,000/12,000/12,000 BB Ante
Day 1B Entries: 310
Day 1B Players Remaining: 32

AJ Torelli

AJ Torelli (NPPT) just got involved in a pre-flop raising war. The end result was Torelli moving all in for 263,000 and his opponent calling putting Torelli at risk.

Torelli turned over AsQs but he was dominated by the AhKc of his opponent. The dealer fanned the KsJs9s flop and the table erupted as Torelli flopped the nut flush. The 6s and 5h completed the board and the largest pot of the night was shipped Torelli’s way.

AJ Torelli- 556,000

0 Comments October 12, 2021
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