10:59 pm

Day 1B: Rudman Wins the Battle of Big Slick

2021 Bar Poker Open National Championship
Level 16: 10,000/20,000/20,000 BB Ante
Day 1B Entries: 310
Day 1B Players Remaining: 17

Tom Rudman

Tom Rudman got his stack of about 275,000 all in pre-flop just before the break holding AcKh against the AdKs of Myles Glover. There were three clubs on the flop and a fourth on the turn giving Rudman the nut flush to survive.

The table erupted and Rudman earned a big double up just before the color up break. Play will resume shortly and we are just one elimination away from the bagging process.

Tom Rudman- 600,000
Myles Glover- 160,000

0 Comments October 12, 2021
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