10:32 pm
Our 2019 – 2020 Season of Qualifiers Begins TOMORROW! This means, for the first time in BPO history, you can win a seat for one of our Next Championships, before we even get to Vegas! You cannot use these seats for the 2019 Vegas Championship. Every week, we will give out over $7,000 in prizes, and […]
1:39 pm
You probably understand by now that it is only “2 STEPS TO 300K in Championships”. Every time you finish Top 3 at a Bar hosting “BPO Events”, you win a “token” to use in our weekly online qualifiers! What some might not know, is that there are OTHER uses for these Top 3 Tokens outside of just those Sunday Games, […]
6:44 pm
The ink is dried, and are officially back at the Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino for our 4th Year, for what will be the absolute largest, most rewarding, and the most exciting Bar Poker Open in history! We BEAT the guarantee last year by a huge margin and the prize pool increased by a massive $50,000 because of […]
9:48 am
Season 7 Masters Tournament for 2019 $200,000 National Championship Players cannot and have not ever been able to earn more than 1 Seat into the Championship, but additional “seats” over the 1 can be used for the Masters Tournament. The Bar Poker Open Master’s Tournament is an exclusive tournament for those talented enough to win multiple seats […]
10:17 am
You probably understand by now that it is only “2 STEPS TO 300K in Championships”, every time you finish Top 3 at a Bar hosting “BPO Events”, you win a “token” to use in our weekly online qualifiers! What you might not know, is that there are OTHER uses for these Top 3 Tokens outside of just […]
10:35 pm
2018 Bar Poker Open National Championship Level 27: 150,000/300,000 with a 25,000 ante Total Entries: 1,298 Players Remaining: 6 Deanne Woodstall is all in for around 600,000 from the small blind with pocket threes. Basil Congro called with pocket fives. Its all but over when the flop comes 10h 10s 5d, giving Congro a full house. […]
12:49 am
2018 Bar Poker Open National Championship Level 19: 10,000/20,000 with a 3,000 ante Day 1B Entries: 371 Total Entries: 828 Players Remaining: 25 On a board reading Kd Qd 10h 10d, it checks to Brian Ng who bets 90,000. His opponent calls. The river is the ace of clubs, his opponent checks, and Ng bets 140,000. […]
1:36 am
2018 Bar Poker Open National Championship Level 20: 20,000/40,000 with a 5,000 Ante Day 1A Entries: 477 Players Remaining: 25 Larry Martin, from DeepStack Poker League in St. Louis, MO is all in against Stephen Marcus from Riverchasers’s. The board shows queen, eight, seven, ten, five. Martin tables queen ten for two-pair but is no good against […]
12:21 am
Benton Blakeman shoves with Queen Ten and Joe Ingram calls off his last eight big blinds with pocket threes. The flop comes clean for Ingram but Blakeman spikes a ten on the turn. Ingram can’t catch up as a nine hits the river and Blakeman is our Joe’s vs Pros Champion!
11:04 pm
Gretel McCrory was all in with Ace Five of diamonds agains Sean McCormack’s pocket eights and Fritz Barnes’s Ace Queen. The board came Queen, ten, eight, nine, deuce and McCormack flopped a set to double through Barnes and eliminate McCrory.